Thursday, March 3, 2011

...on becoming a 1950s husband

For those not in the know, I am a very busy man of late.

Not busy in the sense, oh, I have to go to work, then come home busy--busy in the sense of I am student teaching AND working at the same time.

What does this mean?  Here's a breakdown for you...

Denise wakes me up at 530am on her way out.  Some days I wake up when she does [445--which really sucks]
I rouse myself, shower, eat my cereal, I'm out the door at 715am.
Drive to Brimfield [Monday through Friday], there by 740am.
Student teach until 3-320pm.
Drive back to Peoria--straight to work by 345pm.
Work until 915-930pm.
Drive home, there by 930-945.
Eat dinner.
Go to sleep by 1030pm.

Weekends?  Work all Saturday and most Sundays.

Days off?



What does this have to do with anything beyond a self-pity party?
1-I am always EXHAUSTED.  I'm not tired.  Tired is, oh--I think I should lay down and go to bed.  Exhausted is nodding off while driving home.
2-I get to see my beautiful wife all of about 20-30 minutes a day.  This sucks.  I miss spending quality time with Denise.
3-Denise has had to learn to fend for herself food-wise.
3a--Denise is teaching herself how to cook.

It is wonderful to be able to come home after a hella-long day of student teaching and work and have a left-over meal that my wife has prepared waiting for me.  I love it!  The kicker is, Denise has never really cooked before.  Sure, simple things here and there.  But meals?  No.  Not really.

Yesterday was fantastic.  She made a scratch potato soup [normally, I don't like potato soup--hers was really good] and scratch made apple turnovers.  Those turnovers were fantastic!  I am such a proud working husband!  I can walk in after 14 hours and greet my wife now and proudly ask "What's for dinner?" and there will actually be food for me, not the laughter that usually accompanied it before.

It is a simple pleasure.

I love it.

[I added this picture for my uncle. Enjoy.]


  1. I thought this was supposed to be a curmudgeonly blog? What is THIS flowery shit? If I want a feel-good, Ill go watch Bob flippin' Ross paint trees!
    The Mayor

  2. Sorry, its hard to be rotten when I've had a great week.

    I shall return to the misanthropic stuff tomorrow with another installment of "Puppy dogs and Tridents"

    Sorry for the confusion.
